The cold, dark, wintery weather at this time of year can make keeping healthy a real challenge for some. However, there are a few simple steps people can take to keep themselves safe and well this winter.

• Drink plenty of fluids (water is best) and drink alcohol within sensible limits
• Get your flu vaccination from your GP surgery or a local pharmacy
• Seek immediate advice and help from a pharmacist as soon as you feel unwell, before it gets too serious, and ask for a medicines check-up if you take several medicines
• Get prescriptions before Christmas Eve and take your prescribed medicines as directed
• Keep your home warm, to at least 18 degrees C (65f)
• Keep an eye on elderly or frail friends, neighbours and relatives
• Keep active and take regular exercise
• Wear well-fitting shoes or slippers and keep your home well-lit and clutter free to avoid falling over
• Have your eyes checked regularly (if you are over 60, you can get a free check-up from your local optician)